Sunday, 23 November 2008

It Continues

To report to you on the nature of authenticity and creativity, here stand I, Will. For as we speak, Oliver is upstairs in our rather classy new Hostel-residence working on a song we just created together. Oh how the indefinable whimsy of creativity bounded back and forth between our mouths brains and guitars as we worked on putting the melody together! As this project supposedly documents these things (should we have been filming it? would the presence of a recording device have in some way encumbered the true 'authenticity' of the moment?) I feel DRIVEN to tell you at least that it's going on, and that we hope to deliver the finished song, 'hot off the press', at Sidewalk tomorrow evening.

If you're a New Yorker and you've been interested in our project so far, please come down. Oliver will be back anon with a bigger entry and some more exciting developments to hit you with.

All best,


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